Friday, February 22, 2013

I read an editorial today that was published by the New York Times about Reproductive and Women's Rights. I disagree with the editorial that Gov. Andrew Cuomo should not re-establish his 10 part agenda on woman's rights. New York and all of the other 50 states should not adopt the law that bans the procedure of getting an abortion after the second trimester is over. Abortion should be banned all together the only exception being if the woman's life is in danger. Humans should be held responsible for their actions. Getting an abortion is not a risk free procedure it has both physical and emotional complications approximately 10% of all women suffer from complications in which 2% of are life threatening. The Emotional problems that women can also suffer from post abortion can lead to post grieving or in post abortion stress which can lead to depression or even worse suicide. Teenagers are 30% more likely to suffer these complications. According to the editorial, "Mississippi, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming have already made state laws so that each of these states only has just a single abortion provider”. However California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Nevada and Washington should revise both of their federal and state law to getting a ban abortion in all fifty states. The Cuomo bill does indeed sound like a good idea right now but abortion should be treated like a criminal crime and not in the health care law where it does not belong.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

 On February 7, 2013 the National Review published an article by Mario Loyola. In this article Mario was disusing about how the deadline for the sequester is fast approaching and how congressional conservatives should focus on reforming the disentangling the functions of state government from those of the federal government. The federal funds are now about 30 percent of the state budget. Mario further states that the government is over taxing everyone and according to the White House, the federal deficit over the past three decades amounted to 3.4 percent of GDP. Finally Mario says that the government should be held accountable to pay and uphold its own policies.