Friday, March 29, 2013

Homosexual Marriages

Homosexual marriages is one of the issues that has been in the supreme court. Homosexual marriages been an issue in America for many. According to Sandra Stencel one case that has been taken to the "Minnesota Supreme court in 1970 on November 18th when Jack Baker and James McConnell were denied a marriage license and when McConnell had a job retraction because of his sexuality".(Stencel 1) This case happened almost forty three years ago which shows how little our government has changed on homosexual marriages when over four decades later we are still having this issue. On March 26th, 2013 the supreme court met to rule on the prospect (prop 8) of homosexual marriages and whether or not same sex marriages violates the Constitution and whether or not it should be banned in America today. I believe that the supreme court should rule to legalize homosexual marriages because it clearly states in the constitution in article three section two it states that "the power of the judicial power of the United States of America says that the power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this constitution". Homosexual marriages in the United States of America are only  legalized  nine states and recognized in four states but is not legalized. Homosexual  marriages  should  be  both  recognized and legalized in all fifty states and given the same rights that we  have  given  to heterosexual marriages. By only giving heterosexual marriages equal rights we are discriminating against homosexual marriages.

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