Friday, March 8, 2013

  I read a blog today that was written by Andrew Sullivan and published by The Dash Biased and Balanced the blog is about Obama's balance on marriage. He talks about how we should give equal rights to homosexual couples and withholding the right to marry whom we choose is discrimination to homosexual couples by the United States government. He also likes to talk about how Obama only briefly makes in the prop 8th case and about how "segregation with an argument violates core civil equality" and how it is unconstitutional of the United States government is being about the banning of homosexual marriages in most of the states. He also likes to talk about how the country seems to be split fifty-fifty on the issue.Sullivan's main support is the part of his argument that works for him is that it is discrimination against homosexual couples and how it is unconstitutional for the government to distinguish marriages licenses on the basis of gender. The part that doesn't work for Sullivan is that Obama and the Supreme Court and DOMA are making the simple arguments and I don't see how the Voting Rights Act has anything to do with the banning and discrimination of homosexual marriages.I believe that the logic behind the argument to me seems to be mostly sound I think that he needs to put a little more though into why the federal government is involved. I find the his conclusion to be very lacking on support for his argument. 

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