Friday, April 26, 2013

Should Marijuana be legalized

California, Colorado, Delaware and Arizona are a couple of the eighteen states that has legalized Marijuana. Marijuana is one of the issues that has made it to the Supreme Court in the past couple of years. Marijuana has been a issue for several years now and increasing in supporters.

 In a recent case of Gonzales v. Raich Marijuana was only legalized for medical reasons only and only in the state level not the Federal level. For example, "Angel Raich of Oakland, California, Diane Monson of Oroville, California, and two anonymous caregivers sued the government for injunctive and declaratory relief on October 9, 2002 to stop the government from interfering with their right to produce and use medical marijuana claiming that the Controlled Substances Act was not constitutional as applied to their conduct. The Controlled Substances Act does not recognize the medical use of marijuana. Agents from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) were assigned to break up California's medical marijuana co-ops and seize their assets. This activity was the result of the belief that federal law preempted that of California. The government argued that if a single exception were made to the Controlled Substances Act, it would become unenforceable in practice. The government also contended that consuming one's locally grown marijuana for medical purposes affects the interstate market of marijuana, and hence that the federal government may regulate—and prohibit—such consumption." I do not agree that that Marijuana should be legalized for consumption of any kind because of the lasting effects that it has one the brain of a human. Marijuana has a lasting effect of memory damage to a humans brain.


  1. My colleague Tina ,talks about a national U.S topic that has been going on for years. It is true that as the years go on, marijuana has increased its supporters for legalizing marijuana. Tina's question is should marijuana be legalized?. I personally believe that marijuana should not be legalized. I believe that marijuana should be passed as a medical purpose only to help people with any medical conditions. Medical marijuana has been used to help cure cancer and glaucoma but for patients in research situations. Other than that, people are just gonna use marijuana for recreational purposes.
    I agree with Tina that marijuana should not be legalized for consumption of any kind because of the lasting effect on the human brain. I recommend that she brings up more sources as to why else it should not be legalized besides effecting the brain. Also, she need to go further explaining the case of Gonzales v. Raich , as to what the outcome was of the case.

  2. Hey Tina and Daily, I have what I believe is a very strong counter argument for my blog 8 if you are interested in reading!
